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The Garden Snail is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Malaysia License. Copies or reproductions are strictly not allowed without permission from the artist.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Custom made father's day card

This was a last minute order and I had one hour to come up with something cool! My client wanted me to make a card for her daughter to give to dad on father's day. She wanted flowers after seeing my other card! Hence I was presented with the challenge to design something masculine with flowers. I am very happy with the result and really like this color combo, very masculine and soft at the same time.I can't wait to see my client's reaction tomorrow when I deliver it to her! Yup,the best part of this job is to see the smiley faces of the people I present my cards to. It's really such a joy and very very satisfying!

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