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The Garden Snail is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Malaysia License. Copies or reproductions are strictly not allowed without permission from the artist.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Pictures of my latest experiment - hand sewn fabric bookmarks and shots from Kaka Art Market

I had a great time at the market today. It was quite an experience and seeing people reacting positively to my craft was most satisfying. I had customers who told me that they would never consider giving away my greeting cards simply because they are too pretty to part with and that made my day! I especially enjoyed watching the many talented young people showcasing their unique creations. My neighbour Michelle was selling handmade costume jewelry and jams. What's interesting is that she like myself has a full time job and yet found time to turn her hobby into a side income. How on earth did we managed to squeeze in time???

All's well at the market, I managed to sell seven items altogether, not exactly what I had anticipated but nevertheless an enjoyable event. I'm looking forward to my next debut at Bangsar Shopping Centre next month!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

My first debut

Am all set for Kaka Art Market tomorrow! Not bad at all, I finally get the chance to showcase my work to the public for the first time! I have prepared 30 greeting cards in various themes and also experimented with some hand sewn bookmarks! Will post the pictures tomorrow as it is now 3am in the morning and I should really get to bed otherwise I will be a walking zombie tomorrow! G'nite y"all and wish me luck *wink*

Ka Ka Art Market is held at Shaw Parade @ Jalan Pudu from 11am - 7pm come join me!