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The Garden Snail is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Malaysia License. Copies or reproductions are strictly not allowed without permission from the artist.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wedding theme Sold

Two new creations today....

Monday, August 23, 2010

Say what???

Sometimes the best results are borne from negative feedbacks/remarks. It is our perogative to either let it get us down or to turn it around and see it as a challenge to better ourselves. I choose the latter.

A smelly bug tried to make me feel small today but guess what? Taaadaaaaa! My latest experiment - a hand drawn card using metallic silver pen! Am loving it :)

This card was sold to a friend. She had wanted something 'unusual' to give to her friend for her birthday.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Garden nymph

My latest experiment with paper collage turned out pretty amazing wouldn't you say?

A card for all occassions

My second experiment with pop art! Picture was cut out from the latest Benefit product catalog. Check out the glittery eye shadow!

Taaadaaaa birthday card!

It's a girly thing - shopping!!! The perfect card for a girlfriend on her birthday...

Custom made birthday card for a Christian

A friend had asked me to design a card for her other half for his birthday. I had been given very little information about the receiver, the only thing I was told is that he is a staunch Christian. Hence I decided to place a bible in the center of the card signifying that God will always be at the center of his life. The color silver and gold represents wealth,two butterflies represents a couple while flowers represents beauty. Finally, the woman's hand on the man's means that the man is leading the woman to the path of God in a loving relationship and the angels are guarding them through life's journey.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

How it all started

I was killing time in Bangsar Village on my day off when a little shop caught my eye. Whimsical articles, aaahhh... what a name and one that ignites curiosity. The store looked like a candy store! Only that it sells myriads of beautiful papers, embellishments for card making, stamps, stencils, card punch, handmade bags and toys, scrap book and endless arrays of colorful ribbons. All at once I felt like a school kid again running my hands over stacks and stacks of colorful papers, some with flower motives and others embossed with pretty geometric designs. I felt a sudden rush of idea, an idea to create my own greeting cards. I had always been a creative child and loved to make things with my hands. I especially love greeting cards as it's something personal and pretty that you can give to your love ones!
Hence without hesitation I grabbed whatever that caught my fancy and dashed home to begin my new project!

I played around with the craft punch that I bought and was overflowing with creative ideas. I came up with a few designs in a jiffy and the more I played with it the more I was able to see the possibility to turn my new found hobby into a part time business venture. I surfed the internet for days researching the trade and what I found was this:-

*that the greeting card business is a 7.5 billion dollar industry.
*that women buy more cards than men but when men buy cards, they tend to spend more on the card.
*that women don't just buy a card but will purchase several cards at one time.
*that out of 100 families, 90 families buy greeting cards and each family purchase an average of 30 cards a year.
*that an average person receives about 20 cards a year; most of these are birthday cards.
*that an average person send out 10 cards a year; that's about a card a month.
*that most people love to receive a greeting card with a personal note; makes them feel they are special and important to someone.
*that most people prefer to send a personal handwritten note or greeting card than the easy email message or an sms for special occasions and events; makes it truly special for the other person.
*that there are at least three thousands greeting card publishers in the States alone and the two biggest greeting card publishers are Hallmark and American Greetings.
*that companies send greeting cards to build relationship with their clients and customers. e.g. insurance agents usually send out birthday cards to their clients.
*that the most sellable cards for Everyday Cards and Seasonal Cards are Birthday cards and Christmas cards respectively.

Now that's something to think about! I've sold close to 30 cards to date and almost every person that I showed my cards to loves my creations! In fact I don't have enough time (since I have a full time job) to produce the cards fast enough to cater to the demands! I am eager to get home each day after work to work on my creative juices. I feel 100% satisfaction on being able to channel my energy into art,something that I am so very passionate about. Also I find myself more sensitive to things around me,objects that I had never took notice of before. I find inspiration in everyday things such as tissue boxes, brochures, old magazines, buttons,safety pins,paper doily,cupcake liners as they offer endless posibilities!

My dear friend Suzanna has also been handing me plenty of supplies such as the beautiful vintage Swarovski crystals and laces which was used on the cards in my previous posts. She has also been a mountain of support with her constant encouragements. Albeit in her 60's her super creative mind, talent and positive energy is most inspiring plus the fact that she and I share the same attitude - THE NEVER- SAY- DIE ATTITUDE!
Lina, my sidekick has also been a great help in that she has helped me create The Garden Snail account on facebook and has been deligently inviting people to join the site. Also not forgetting the occassional nudge to push me to create more cards and push the boundaries. There is no better job in the world than to be able to do something that you love and seeing people love the work that you do! And in the course of that I am also able to lend a helping hand to a cause that I hold so dearly in my heart which is helping stray animals by donating 20% of my net earnings to RSPCA & PAWS.

I am now prepairing for my first debut at Kaka art market @ Shaw Parade on 5th September and my very own solo art exhibition at Artseni art gallery also in September. Many thanks to my new found friend Phillip who has been ever so supportive and inspiring.A gentle soul,he dedicates his life to creating and promoting art and helping others see things in a positive light . Oh yes, I am also taking part in a charity bazaar in early October at The Bangsar shopping centre. And also I will be travelling To Verona,Italy next month on a business trip. Hence, I hope to find time to look for some new embellishments and other supplies! Phew....not bad for an accidental business venture eh? *Wink*

Lastly, the name "The Garden Snail" came about as I was playing with the craft punches. I especially like the snail design one, hence I decided to use it as my logo. To me the best inspirations comes from beautiful places and so I gave it a name that reminds me of an early spring morning in a lovely garden. My fondest memories of Chambery,France which I hope to visit again.....

*Donations to RSPCA and PAWS will be made once I have a considerable sum and the cheque will be posted on this blog!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

A pot of beautiful flowers for that special someone


Send a friend a lovely "pot of flowers" to say, Thank you!, Good luck, Congratulations, I miss you.....whatever your heart desires...

Flowers from a piece of vintage lace

It's difficult to part with an art you spent time working on, more so when it's made from something vintage. This is a little slice of a wedding gown which my friend made for her friend a long long time ago. It's funny how things sometimes ends up in the most unexpected places....

This card is a present!

A greeting card that's more than what it is. It's a gift in itself, nothing touches the heart more than a beautiful handmade greeting card with a beautiful message inside....

Dancing lady

Inspired by Van Cleef & Arpels haute jewelry. I was surfing the internet for vintage jewelry when these two beautiful brooches caught my eye.Hence my interpretation of the dancing ballerina....

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Have a happy bejeweled birthday!!!

by: Albert Laighton (1829-1887)

They are autographs of angels, penned
In Nature's green-leaved book, in blended tints,
Borrowed from rainbows and the sunset skies,
And written everywhere--on plain and hill,
In lonely dells, 'mid crowded haunts of men;
On the broad prairies, where no eye save God's
May read their silent, sacred mysteries.

Thank God for flowers! they gladden human hearts;
Seraphic breathings part their fragrant lips
With whisperings of Heaven.

A gift of lace

My friend Susanna was so sweet, she gave me a pack of vintage lace! Hence I came up with this idea - lace on paper doiley. A perfect gift for a friend to congratulate her on her wedding. I'm planning on a series of wedding,birthday and thank you cards for Cafe Vienna @ Lot 1o. A perfect compliment to their lovely cakes....will be posting pictures of my new creations daily ....

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Gold theme

I try to keep this one simple on the cover but with a surprise awaiting inside! Yup, a sexy Sergio Rossi gold shoe!

My favourite

I love this purple and gold combo! I had not planned to include the anklet initially but am glad I did, the result is uber sexy! I've always have a thing for purple, it's such a sensual color but when combined with gold it's absolutely smashing!